Blog Post

Pool Construction & Remodeling for the New Year

Dec 26, 2019
pool construction
The holidays have been in full swing and Christmas is over. Perhaps you weren’t quite ready to give your family the gift of a pool this holiday season. Not to worry! In 2020, if you’ve always dreamed of a beautiful backyard swimming pool, this is your year! So we put together a guide to help you start planning a swimming pool in the New Year.

Affording a Swimming Pool

Has the cost of a pool has been a primary concern or hindrance to pool ownership? Some families prefer to stay more liquid. The good news is there are financing options. You can own a pool for as little as $19 per week.
pool remodeling

Choosing the Design

The design you choose depends on how you plan to use your pool and which features are most important to you. For example, you may want to have a pool and spa combination or you want a splash deck that provides shallow water for lounging in the sun. If you enjoy swimming laps, you may want an unobstructed swim corridor. Also, some people prefer a rectangular pool with sleek lines while others like a free-form pool. And we have sizes to fit nearly any backyard.

Choosing the Color

One of the great aspects of choosing Leisure Pools is you get choose from seven brilliant color options.


Pools can be installed fairly quickly and your backyard won’t be torn up for months. It also means you’ll have the pool buying and installation process completed in a short amount of time and will be swimming sooner.
pool remodel service


It’s helpful to go ahead and start thinking about your pool deck. There are many great choices and it all depends on the look you desire for your pool space. For instance, you can have a concrete deck, pavers, natural stone or wood.


You can customize your pool to make it uniquely your own. There are seven different colors offered but you can also customize it with water features tiled in our colors or styles of your choosing. Or you can add a tanning ledge, fountains, pool lighting or a water slide or diving board (depending on your pool depth).


As you work through the pool buying process, you may also want to go ahead and plan your landscaping. Adding trees, bushes, flowering plants, rocks or even a waterfall can enhance your pool space.

Arrowhead Pool & Spa

Pool Service, Maintenance & Construction Specialists in Southern California 

If you are looking for pool and or spa remodeling or construction work, Arrowhead Pool & Spa brings the expertise, dedication and reputation you deserve.

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